Making New Friends xx

I had a lovely surprise this afternoon. A lady that I meet yesterday, on the bus heading to the ferry we catch to our island, started chatting. She and her husband then gave me a lift to my house. Well, this afternoon she dropped in for a visit. So as of tomorrow, we are going for an afternoon walk together. I am so very excited about this as they are the first friends I have made since I came home, actually if I am honest, since I had my stroke. It is wonderful to know that I have someone I can go out to see and chat with. Please do not get me wrong and think that I am ungrateful to my children but it is not the same as having a friend that you have a common interest with. 

I will now say hello to you and say that I hope that you have been having a good day or evening depending on where you are in the world. We have been having a lovely day here today, the rain has stopped but we still have the cool weather so just perfect. It is clouding up so I think we may end up with some rain tonight but now for sure. 

I am cleaning up the downstairs room tomorrow and doing the laundry....sorting out the old worn out bits and pieces and washing what we need to refresh. Then I will do the walls and ceiling for the spider webs. It is a lovely room for relaxing when the summer heat really kicks in. 

Well that is it for me today and I am off to cook my meal for tonight....a lovely Northern salad and a pork spare rib cut into small squares marinated in plum sauce, and baked - all homemade. I think I may even make a lovely fresh mango smoothie...I do not want to hear about the calorie intake thankyou!!!! I would like to thank you for staying with me to read all this and I hope that the rest of your day or evening is especially wonderful.
