Freaky Friday again!

A cheerful Friday hello and I hope that you have made plans for a wonderful weekend. I had to go for a medical test on Wednesday and ended up spending yesterday in bed, so sorry for not dropping in for a chat. However, that does not stop the brain from working...I sometimes think it is better as it has all those painkillers helping the process. I found this at one of the craft shops before I had to see the specialist and I thought it would be fun to see if I could still do it.

I use to do macrame a lot being a child of the 1960s and I had belts, pot plant holders, earrings and so on, so I thought I would give it a go and so if I still have the skill. I have decided that I am going to get back into the arts and crafts I did as a younger person and I know that it will certainly help me recover from the stroke. 

I am very arty/crafty person and I have the supplies to make an abstract painting of Darth Vader for my son. Painting is the one crafty type activity I have tried. Writing is my excellent one (I have even been published), and I am working on a novel, but I want to see want else I can do. As a school teacher, I would tell my students that the only reason you can not do something is that you tell yourself you can not! I suppose it is time to listen to my own advice.

Well, I am off to make a nice dinner and settle in for the night. I hope that you have a lovely evening and a wonderful start to the weekend!
